Étiquette de service de café de bureau

Office coffee is a workplace must-have. Unfortunately, traditional office coffee has a bad rap. While it gets the job done, it?s cold, stale, or barely there. Don?t your employees deserve better? Thankfully, Canteen Canada is here to help. Our Mississauga office coffee service will turn your...

Ottawa office lunch breaks play a big part in employee wellness and productivity. That?s because employees can relax and recharge, feeling reenergized and more focused. However, many Canadians skip their breaks. In fact, according to a study, 39% of employees rarely or never take lunch...

We offer a variety of break room solutions, such as water filtration solutions, coffee services, and fan-favorite office snacks throughout Kanata. With years of experience, we know what it takes to provide the best break room experience. We use that knowledge to help customers create...

Spring is around the corner, and your home isn?t the only thing that needs cleaning! This seasonal transition is also the perfect time to freshen up your Edmonton refreshment services. From new break room must-haves like tasty snacks and beverages to modern upgrades for your...