Calgary’s Healthy Vending Services – Now Trending

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Calgary’s Healthy Vending Services – Now Trending

As the New Year approaches, now’s the time to upgrade your Calgary vending services! Why? Simple, a healthy vending service is a great way to set both your employees and your company up for success! Living a healthier lifestyle is a common New Year’s resolution. Therefore, ensuring access to quality food and beverage options is a no brainer!

Interested in learning how your Calgary break room can strengthen your wellness initiatives? If so, you’re in luck! Keep reading to learn how.

Healthy Vending Machines

The first step to a successful break room experience starts with the equipment. We offer modern snack, food, and beverage vending machine equipment. Once installed, we will stock them with better-for-you products that your employees will love. Want a more detailed look into our healthy vending services? We’ll break them down below!

1. We put the “Fresh” in Fresh Food

Refreshment Services Calgary | Food Vending Machine | Corporate Wellness

From salads, sandwiches, wraps, and yogurt parfaits, we will fill your Calgary food vending machine with quality product options. The days of having to go off campus for a healthy bite to eat will be in the past. Instead, your team will have more time to eat and chat with their coworkers while enjoying a delicious and healthy meal. Additionally, healthier employees have better job performance, energy levels, and use fewer sick days. Sounds like supporting their health and wellness is a win-win for everyone!

2. Healthy Vending Snacks – Sweet, Salty and Everything in Between

Being able to walk down the hall to your Calgary snack vending machine and find the exact item your craving is the best feeling! With our premium vending services, your employees will experience this feeling every day. Plus, we carry an array of better-for-you snack options so everyone can find something they like. A hungry staff isn’t a happy staff… Therefore, a healthy Calgary vending service is just what you need to boost office morale!

3. Better-for-you Beverage Options

Did you know, staying hydrated throughout the day is key to your overall wellness? Yep, that’s right! So, offering drink options that will quench your thirst and support your health is very important to Calgary employees. Furthermore, we carry a variety of better-for-you beverages. From sparkling water to low calorie soda options, we have everything you need for a successful healthy break room service.

Tip: Consider adding our Calgary water filtration service to your break room line up. It will support your employee’s hydration efforts and keep everyone feeling their best!

Stay on Trend with a Healthy Vending Service in your Calgary Break Room

When you partner with us, you’re guaranteed to get the most out of your Calgary refreshment service! So, ring in the New Year by upgrading your services with us! To learn more, visit Canteen Canada or call 866.292.8363 today. We can’t wait to get started!